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Fondazione San Gaudenzio

The San Gaudenzio Foundation, founded in February 2005 and based in Castasegna, aims to renovate and preserve the church of San Gaudenzio, its hospice and immediate surroundings, and to appropriately publicise the importance of this cultural heritage site.

Foundation Board Members

Rosita Fasciati-Vincenti, President, Castasegna
Jon Bischoff, Vicosoprano
Marc Bundi, Zurigo e Bondo
Nicolasina ten Doornkaat, Stampa

Bank Details
Raiffeisen Engadina Val Müstair
PC-Konto: 70-577-1
IBAN: CH 88 8114 4000 0324 4257 6 


The church ruins are located on the Via Bregaglia and are accessible all year round.